Frequently Asked Questions...
How do I register?
1. Create an account on (or log in if you already have an account)
2. Add your player's details as a participant (if they are not already added)
3. Go to My Account page
4. Click on 'Programs Available!'
5. Select the program you would like to register for and click continue
6. Continue through the registration pages until you get to the confirmation page (you will also receive a confirmation email)
How many games are there during the outdoor season?
LRU competes in the New Hampshire Youth Soccer Association league. For both the spring and the fall seasons, there are 7-8 regular season games with a mix of home games played in the Lakes Region and away games within New Hampshire. We also try to send teams to tournaments, one in Fall (Columbus Day Weekend) and one in Spring (Memorial Day Weekend).
What is the club Team Building philosophy?
We firmly believe that in the Lakes Region area there are enough players interested in travel soccer to create competitive travel teams at every age group from U10-U18 for both boys and girls.
- Players will be allocated to teams primarily based on birth year
- Players may 'play up' at the sole discretion of the club, if we believe it is in the best interest of the player or the club
- Year groups may be combined to create teams if necessary
If a team is created with player birth years spanning 3 or more years, it may be considered an 'LRU Development Team'. The purpose of this team is to provide a competitive travel soccer environment suitable for all players on the team, while looking to recruiting more players at each age group to eventually field age appropriate teams.
Playing Time Guidelines (Full Time Players - Outdoor Fall/Spring)
Lakes Region United is a competitive travel soccer club where game time is earned by players through an evaluation of their ability, attitude, and attendance at practice , however there are some minimum expectations for all Full Time players, set out below.
U10 (7v7)
Every player should play a minimum of 50% of the time in each game, with some game time in each half.
U11-U12 (9v9)
Every player should play a minimum of 50% of the time in each game, with some game time in each half.
U13+ (11v11)
Every player should play a minimum of 25% of the time in each game, with some game time in each half.
Note: Playing Time Guidelines apply for regular season games and tournament group stages, but are not mandatory during playoffs or knock-out stages, although all coaches are encouraged to make sure every player is involved.
Playing Time Guidelines (Full Time Players - Indoor Winter)
Indoor soccer is an opportunity for all LRU players to develop and strengthen their skills for our primary outdoor seasons. With this in mind, we expect every player to participate equally in regular season games.
U10+ (6v6)
Every player should get equal game time
Note: Playing Time Guidelines apply for regular season games but are not mandatory during playoffs, although all coaches are encouraged to make sure every player is involved.
Full Time Players
Full Time Players are players that are rostered to the team, and are expected to attend all games and practices.
Substitute Players
Substitute Players are players that will be rostered to a team, but will only come to games as needed at the coach's request. Substitute players should not start unless there are no substitutes, they should be subbed in and out of the game to give Full Time Players a break.
Practice Players
Practice Players are players that will practice with a team to build their skills. They may be rostered to a team, but there is no guarentee of any playing time.
Roster Numbers
Where possible, LRU teams should try to keep their rosters of Full Time Players as:
| Full Time Players (Min) | Full Time Players (Max) |
U10 Outdoor (7v7) | 10 | 14 |
U11-12 Outdoor (9v9) | 12 | 16 |
U13+ Outdoor (11v11) | 14 | 18 |
U10+ Indoor (6v6) | 9 | 12 |
What do club fees pay for?
We aim to keep fees affordable - usually 3 to 5 times less than similar clubs in the state. Club fees go towards state and league registrations, insurance, equipment, field maintenance, and practice space rental. All of our coaches and administrators are volunteers.
Does Lakes Region United offer scholarships or financial aid?
To increase accessibility to travel soccer we offer scholarships through our Brackett Scholarship Fund. Requests can be made during the sign up process.
Is Lakes Region United a non-profit club?
Yes, Lakes Region United is a 100% volunteer-run, non-profit club.
What is the cost for the season?
The cost per season may vary depending on age and season. Cost information will be available within registration.
How much do game jerseys cost?
Uniforms are purchased from - use the discount code LRUSCREWARD for a 10% discount! If your player does not have a jersey number allocated by the club, please email
[email protected] to request one.
Where are practices held?
This depends on the season, the coach, and what is available. Most practices are held at the Meadows Field in Gilford, or the fields by Gilford High School
What is the refund policy?
Once a player has committed to a team by registering for the season, the Club will refund registration fees for the following circumstances:
- Player moves away from the Club’s geographic area for a substantial portion of the season.
- Player becomes injured and is unable to play soccer for a
substantial portion of the season. Medical statement from Doctor
may be required
- If the Club is unable to provide a team at that player’s age level
- Refund is requested prior to registration being closed.
- Extenuating circumstances as determined by Board of Directors